Hello there boys and girls. I'm Shea and I'm an escort who loves to incorporate stripteasing into my dates. I used to be a stripper at one of the famous clubs here in Vegas and I use my skills to make clients extremely happy with their time alone with me. The music I strip to makes a huge difference in the overall aura of the experience.
Jazz, R&B, And Easy Listening
When a stripper teases you with the way she removes her clothing, your anticipation level rises and you'll get a huge reward when you are finally able to get intimate with her with a hands-on approach. Slow songs allow me to sway to the beat, touching my body while giving you peeks of what I have underneath clothing. There's no need to rush into it! Let your eyes wander over what I'm offering. Linger on the parts that you like the best. I'll use the music to guide me. Romantic songs are often slow, as well as instrumentals. Which do you like best?