There are escorts and then there are high class escorts. These are women who elevate themselves above the pack. If you were to walk into a room full of escorts, you'd be able to pick the high class ones out of a lineup. It's not simply about the way they look (as vintage Billy Crystal would say, "they look marvelous"). Yes, they look fantastic, but most of the great escorts you find will look attractive. It goes far beyond that. It's in how they walk. How they talk. How they handle themselves and what they do when with you. They simply are in another level. There are plenty of escorts who make it to the big leagues known as escorting in Las Vegas. But only a handful ever become true All-Stars. And a high class escort is exactly that. An All-Star of the Las Vegas escort scene.
What Makes An Escort High Class
There's a refinement to a high class escort you're just not going to find in every other girl out there. It's a sophistication that goes along with it. They take their job very, very seriously. Often times they are the best looking girls of the group. They workout and do whatever needs to be done to kept in the best physical appearance possible. But it's not just that. Being a great escort isn't only about looking the best. It's about acting the best and treating a client the best. They are the Johnnie Walker Blue of the group. Sure, red label with a splash of Coke is fine. And black label is a solid option, but there's no disputing how smooth and incredible Blue is. That's what you get with Las Vegas high class escorts. A blue label experience.
High End Escort Agencies Promote VIP Services
Some agencies specialize in nothing but the best of the best. Each agency has to do what they think is best for themselves, the girls, and their clients. Not everyone is able to spring for the high class escorts in Las Vegas. Maybe red label with a splash of Coke is more than enough for them. For the agencies that offer the cream of the crop though they promote VIP services, because you truly need to be VIP when it comes to the select high class escorts Las Vegas has.
This is one thing you need to understand. There are plenty of escorts in the city. Vegas will run out of water before it runs out of escorts. But high class escorts? The tippy top of the industry? There's only a select few, and these girls do everything their power to remain their. With all the work they put in, escort agencies want to make sure they are properly promoted as a true, VIP experience.
Who Are Vegas High Class Escorts For
These VIP escorts are there just like every other escort. Generally these girls are going to cost more. Often substantially more. So you need to decide if paying for the best of the best is what you're looking for. Again, you can't go wrong with the other escorts that cost less, but they just don't have that "it" factor. It might be the difference between spending your time with an "8" and spending your time with a "10." It's up to you.
What our Las Vegas VIP Escort Services Include
Naturally you get top pick out from the top escorts in the city. By looking through our Las Vegas escort agency you'll clearly see those identified as high class escorts. As for the specific service? What is it that you would like to happen? Some of the things you can ask for include:
- Girlfriend experience (GFE)
- Massage
- Couples service
- Date night
- Outcall
- Fetish escorts
- Much more
A high end companion can do just about anything. However, some of these girls might have a few more rules. Or at least requirements. Because they are so high end and so sought after they can be a bit more picky with what they will and won't do. If there is something in particular you're interested in, give our service a call and we'll connect you with the right girls.
Don't Settle For Less, You Deserve The Best
There are plenty of Las Vegas escort services out there that will offer middle of the pack escorts. If that's what you want to pay for go for it. But if you know you're worth it and you want to treat yourself, don't settle for less when you deserve the best.
Enjoy An Executive Advantage When You Book For A Group Or Convention
Want to make your event stand out? Why not bring in some of the call girls? There's nothing that takes an evening to the next level like the finest escorts in the city.
Contact Our Executive Concierge For Inquiries
If you are looking for something specific make sure to give us a call. We'll do everything in our power to help make it happen.